Vietnamese women are a unique mix of qualities you’ll find in different Asian cultures. They can be as restrained and polite as Japanese, but as chilly and direct as Chinese.
They are, however, unmistakably attractive to many Western men. If you’re an older guy, you may not get to “enjoy” the age gap you can in the Philippines or Thailand, but you’ll find many classy and educated women.
The great challenge is “reading” them. Because Vietnamese is quite conservative, despite the increasingly modern surface. Families are tight and codes of conduct run deep and are generally unspoken.
I’ll try to shed some light on this so you can do better with Vietnamese ladies.
First, understand the culture and basic etiquette of Vietnam
Understanding the culture and basic etiquette of a country is crucial to understanding its people.
The first thing to know about Vietnam is that the locals have a very friendly demeanor. People are often found practicing tai chi or walking their dogs on the street. There’s a certain peace and harmony, even amid all the honking motorbikes.
Vietnamese culture is a complex mix of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. It also has influences from France, India, Persia, Korea, and Thailand. This gives it common Asian traits such as respect for elders, but also comes with a certain fire and aggressiveness.
Manners in Vietnam are very important. They’re also considered to be a sign of one’s respect for others and oneself. This means there are smiles of politeness, embarrassment, and interest. And if a girl has the energy to argue with you, she may actually like you.
Vietnamese culture is known for its politeness, but this doesn’t extend to everyone, all the time. Etiquette is an integral part of Vietnamese tradition, and it’s important to be polite and respectful to maintain harmony and courtesy. This doesn’t mean people don’t yell and argue. And it doesn’t always mean your taxi driver will take you to the right place. It’s a different standard of manners.
What you will see is that if you’re well-presented, then in places like restaurants and business situations, people will usually be decent to you, if not go all out beyond what’s necessary.

In return, you, as a foreigner, will look good if you control your emotions, treat normal everyday folks with basic respect, and treat women and older people with deference and humility.
This will set you apart from the average backpacker and dirty old man tourist. Girls will notice.
Recognizing signs a Vietnamese girl likes you
Recognize signs a Vietnamese lady likes you or not is, of course, subjective and people are, of course, individuals.
It’s worth mentioning, though, that preference for certain traits and features in men differ by culture and geographic location.
Some Vietnamese women are shy and less expressive when it comes to showing their feelings. If she is only using words to show her feelings for you, then it could be a sign that she likes you back. A typical example will be if she says that she enjoys talking with you or finding out about your day.
Vietnamese women are typically a little more reserved when it comes to showing their interest in a man. However, there are some telling signs that indicate they are interested in you. If you feel that the woman might be interested in you, don’t be afraid to try and make the first move!
Some of the common behaviors that Vietnamese women show when they’re interested include:
- Smiling at you often.
- Always walking past your desk or sitting area.
- Saying “hello” to you as you walk by.
- Making eye contact for extended periods of time.
- Asking about your life and work/school.
- Touching your arm while talking to you.
- Laughing at all your jokes, even the lame ones.
- Finding excuses to be around you and talk with you.
- She might offer to buy you lunch or if you pay, she’ll talk about how wonderful the meal was.
- She may compare you favorably to Vietnamese guys.
Interpreting a Vietnamese girl’s body language
Most people know that body language is vital in communication. But what about when you can’t understand the language? In these cases, it becomes even more important to study body language. And Vietnamese body language can have its own quirks.
They’re unlike Japanese girls, for example, who may smile and nod even if they think you’re completely dull. You’ll find Vietnamese a bit blunter. More like Chinese girls, they may just sit there expressionless or even looking like they have a bit of contempt. But a switch can flip and they’ll be quite attentive.

It is hard to tell from her facial expression whether or not she is happy. However, if she’s smiling and nodding her head while talking to you, that’s a good sign. Vietnamese will be less expressive with someone they have no interest in.
If her eyes are fixated on you and her mouth is slightly open, that’s also a definite sign of attention, which is positive..
Recognizing the signs that a Vietnamese girl doesn’t like you back
No matter how highly you think of yourself, or if you think you’re something of an expert in reading body language and interest, not all Vietnamese girls will like you.
Part of understanding if someone likes you is differentiating it with when they don’t.
Unlike in the Philippines or Thailand, age does matter more. Even if she has been friendly with you, it may have just been a sign of respect.
- You can get better about reading the signs.
- There are a few signs that will help answer your question.
- She looks down or or at her phone while talking to you
- She doesn’t reply within the same day (or even an hour or two) to your messages
- She simply disagrees with you, often, and abruptly
- She has no interest in discussing things with you, or arguing with you
- She’s constantly busy and always has an excuse ready when asked to hang out
Conclusion on telling when Vietnamese women like you
There are very few cultures where you’ll look cool by asking a girl, “Do you like me?” It’s either embarrassing, awkward, or makes you look clueless and/or weak. These are not attractive qualities in a man.
Vietnam isn’t much different in this way. It’s a culture of suggestion and not restraint. Vietnamese have a certain passion and fire, but relationships should be an obvious thing.
Girls who are present, attentive, and quick to keep the ball rolling with you are the ones you have the best chance with.